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                                We will present a short drama entitled “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs.” Before that, I will introduce our proud actors. Tiara as Snow White, Barok, Bayu, Nia, Nasya, Ulya, Dinda, Feni as The Dwarfs. Nabil as Prince, Handre, and Faiz as the Bodyguard of Prince, Ida as step-mother of snow-white, Riska as the Witch, Rayhan as the Magic Mirror, Rima as the Owl, and Adib as the Crow. Enjoy our performance, please!

                Once upon a time, in the middle of winter. There are the king and the queen lived happily. One day, the queen prayed to God for having a baby girl whose white skin was like snow. Unfortunately, the queen died when born the baby girl whose white skin like snow was given the name ‘Snow White’. Then, the king married the most beautiful woman but arrogant and she had a magic mirror.

Step-mother: Mirror…..Mirror…., Who’s the most beautiful woman in the world?

Magic Mirror: absolutely, Your Highest

Step-mother: ha…ha….ha (Loud Laugh) absolutely me...

                The magic mirror always tell the truth and never lie, but one day the magic mirror tell the most beautiful woman in Snow White.

Step-Mother: Mirror…..Mirror….. Who’s the most beautiful in the world?

Magic Mirror: She is Snow White

Step-mother: What !! (Marah) Witch…witch… come here, hurry up!

Witch                    : I am coming your highest.

Step-mother: Hurry up!

Witch                    : What happens??

Step-mother: Kill Snow White now!

Witch                    : Ok ! (Membuat racun pada buah apel sambil mengucapkan mantra)

                Fortunately, snow White heard it and Snow White knew that she would be killed by her stepmother, then she escaped to the forest. She found a small cottage that is warm and cozy for her to live there. And she entered.

Snow White       : I am scared.. anybody home? (tidak ada orang) I am hungry (makan dan minum apapun yang ada di meja rumah kurcaci dan mengantuk kemudian tertidur di kursi)

Barok                    : Come on Everybody…check sound..check sound..everybody what's up..everybody whats up..what's up..what's up..aha..aha.. let’s go home!

Ulya                       : Let’s have a lunch

Nasya                    : Let’s take a rest (sampai di gubuk kecil mereka)

Nia                         : Oh my God !! OMG Helloooww…

Dinda                    : Where is my food

Bayu                      : Where is my juice

Feni                       : Who is she ?(menunjuk ke Snow White)

Barok and Bayu: Wouuww… take it easy, take it easy...

Ulya                       : What are you doing here?

Snow White       : I am lost. I am sorry..(menangis) I am princess Snow White.

Barok                    : It’s ok princess.. (menyanyi) Don’t cry, Don’t be shy, you’re beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...Don't worry...Uuuyee. (melingkar dan berputar seperti Cherrybelle)


                Snow White and the dwarfs lived happily in the small cottage. One day, the witch visited snow-white in the forest and killed her by a poison apple.


Witch                    : Anybody home?? (mengetuk pintu)

Snow White       : Who are you?

Witch                    : I want to give you this apple

Snow White       : no... I am sorry

Witch                    : this is good for you, I am not a liar.

Snow White       : ok, thank you. (memakan apel dan pingsan)

Witch                    : HA…ha…ha… it’s for your last breakfast. I am leaving. Ha…ha…ha

Barok                    : Watch out!! (mengingatkan agar kurcaci lainnya tidak menginjakk Snow White yang tergeletak)

The Dwarfs         : oh my God!! 5x

Barok and Bayu : (menangis) Snow White…snow white… Don’t die so soon.

                Snow White was unconscious because she ate Apple from the Witch. The Dwarfs put her in the case and they surrounded her. Two birds visited Snow White.

Owl (Rima)          : wuk…wuk…wuk… Snow White, I am sorry to hear that (menangis)

Crow     (Adib)   : Kwak…kwakkk…kwakk.. snow white, I am sorry to hear that (menangis)

The Dwarfs         : Thank you guys… (burung hantu dan gagak pergi meninggalkannya)

Prince   (Nabil)  : G.O.O.D.J.O.B !!

Bodyguards        : Good job 2x Good job 2x eh…eh…

Prince   (Nabil): Smart boys!

Bodyguards        : we are the best, we are the winner

Faiz                        : Wait a minute, what a nice day. (menikmati udara)

Wait a minute, what time is it now? (melihat jam dan pegang kepala mikir) oh no… Don’t take too long!!

Hendra                 : Hurry up! Who sleeps soundly there!

Prince (Nabil)     : Subhanallah…MasyaAllah.. how beautiful she is

Faiz                        : who is she? What happens?

The Dwarfs         : Snow White.. she is died.

Prince (Nabil),

Hendra, and Faiz : Astaghfirulloh… OMG..

Prince (Nabil)     : Let me see Snow White…

The Girl Dwarfs : (mengangkat kepala Snow White) (tiba-tiba buah apel yang termakan jatuh dari mulut Snow White dan dia hidup kembali)

Bodyguards        : I am scared… !! (menutup mata dan kabur)

Prince (Nabil)     : Will you marry me? (jongkok dan mengulurkan tangan)

Snow White       : yes, I will (tersenyum bersama-sama)

The Dwarfs         : (bertepuk tangan) horeeeiii….

                Finally, Snow White and the Prince married and lived happily ever after. The step-mother and the witch died because they shock.




